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The TTEEnd System Controller Space provides SAE AS6802, rate-constrained and IEEE 802.3 functions in a radiation-tolerant, highly reliable integrated circuit.


This TTPController, a standard product from austriamicrosystems, is an integrated device which implements functionalities and features according to SAE AS6003.


The TTEEnd System Controller HiRel is an integrated communication controller that supports three traffic classes (SAE AS6802, ARINC 664 part 7 and IEEE 802.3).


The TTESwitch Controller Space provides SAE AS6802, rate-constrained and IEEE 802.3 switch functions in a radiation-tolerant, highly reliable integrated circuit.


The TTESwitch Controller HiRel is an integrated communication controller that supports standard Ethernet, rate-constrained and time-triggered traffic.


This ready-to-go solution for airborne electronic platforms based on RS-485 is designed for a robust DO-160F, Level 5 physical layer for airborne TTP networks.

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