Products List
The TTEEnd System Space 3U cPCI connects spacecraft subsystems to the TTEthernet® network via 3x 1000BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet ports supporting triple redundant network architectures.
The TTEEnd System A664 Pro (XMC) is a DAL A certifiable end system card for use in flight programs, supporting different traffic classes.
The TTEEnd System A664 Pro (PMC) is certifiable to civil aerospace standards and fully compliant with Ethernet, rate-constrained and time-triggered traffic.
The TTEEnd System A664 Pro (FPGA) brings the full power of deterministic Ethernet communication technology to aerospace certifiable hardware.
The TTEEnd System A664 Core IP Pro Integration Kit helps to avoid the time consuming and costly process of acquiring and integrating hardware and software components from different vendors.
This high-performance deterministic Ethernet end system card for laboratory evaluation, development and testing applications supports three standard traffic classes and is available in two form factors: XMC and PCIe.
The TTEEnd System Space 3U cPCI interface card connects spacecraft subsystems to the TTEthernet® network.
TTEEnd System A664 Core IP is a mature, RTCA DO-254 DAL A certifiable solution to connect avionics systems to Ethernet-based networks and allows the transmission of safety-critical data with speeds of up to 1 Gbit/s.
This mezzanine card for network communication combines standard IEEE 802.3 Ethernet with time-triggered capabilities (SAE AS6802) for the development of safety-critical applications.
The TTEEnd System Lab Space (PMC) is suited for a large variety of application areas and especially for space programs. It has been developed to support laboratory testing applications with Time-Triggered or best-effort Ethernet.
The TTEEnd System Lab Space (PCIe) has been developed to support laboratory evaluation, development and testing applications for a large variety of application areas in space programs.