8 March is International Women’s Day. In line with our anniversary campaign #IMPACT25, we wanted to explore the IMPACT of women on our company, our industry, and the world of science and technology in general. So, we asked our employees for their perspectives on the following questions:
- In your opinion, what is the impact of women at TTTech?
- Which achievement by a woman has had the most impact on you?
- What is the impact of women on science and technology?
The replies we received were heartfelt, inspiring, thought-provoking, and visionary and made us proud that we are all on the same team. So, without further ado, we’ll let our employees take the mic:
Birgit Haider, Project Manager, TTTech Aerospace
Lines of code shape more and more areas of our lives. And like anywhere, the less diversity the more bias. Hence, I would like to encourage girls and women to get into programming and computer science so that innovations are inclusive and create a better future for everybody. I use the word "create" deliberately because I would like to inspire others to perceive programming also as a creative activity with which ideas can be turned into reality.
High-tech companies like TTTech need and value the contributions of women in all kinds of different jobs: female engineers and also women without a technical education. My dear colleagues and I are proof of that and would like to volunteer as role models. I represent a woman without a technical degree working in a high-tech company as a project manager.

Isabel Sánchez Bueno, Senior Product Manager, Dependable Networks
There are many impressive contributions by women to science and technology – to any field, really. But many contributions go unnoticed. Many women got discouraged or didn’t recognize the value they could bring. I just hope to see the day when we are not biased by stereotypical conventions, and we don’t look first at who is the person making a statement before acknowledging its validity. Sadly, I’ve had to witness technical conversations where a woman had to defend her statements and fight to prove the relevance of her contributions much harder than any man would have. That is why I am glad to work in an environment where my opinion is heard, and my contributions are appreciated – a multicultural organization where we can learn from each other. And I’m fortunate to have female colleagues here, which is not a given in my line of work.
Coming from humble origins, having an engineering degree, and as a woman working in technology, I feel the responsibility to spread the word and to work to increase visibility, to declare that women are working in science, engineering, and technical fields. And that it is normal. And that everybody should be able to work on what they like, no matter their gender, race, or social status.

Diversity is key. It is hard to imagine how we could innovate and advance, without recognizing the value of diversity. Diversity of opinions, diversity of experiences, diversity of perspectives. Let’s use this diversity to approach problem-solving from different angles and we will find better solutions.
I could name many women who have had an impact on technology, from Grace Hopper to Radia Perlman or Hedy Lamarr (living in Vienna I cannot forget her). But just to bring one contemporary example of the significant impact women can have in technology, and at the same time raise awareness over the lack of visibility we suffer still nowadays, let’s mention Mira Murati: How many people would know that the Chief Technology Officer at OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, is a woman? Please google these women, we owe them our jobs!
Silviu Craciunas, Principal Scientist, TTTech Labs
Ada Countess of Lovelace was a mathematician working in 1837 with Charles Babbage on the Analytical Engine, the first design of a general-purpose computer. She wrote a paper on calculating Bernoulli numbers with the Analytical Engine, which is considered to have been the first computer program. However, her legacy in computer science is far greater as she was the first to realize the immense potential of these machines. While Babbage only saw computers as bound to mathematical applications, Ada realized that computers could solve problems of any complexity and that numbers could represent anything, thus having, for example, the potential to "compose elaborate and scientific pieces of music of any degree of complexity or extent."

Diversity of all forms can help us see beyond our own limitations. While Babbage was bound by thinking only in terms of numerical calculations, Ada saw much, much farther, forever shaping the world around us. We grow up being influenced by social norms and experiences that are unfortunately tightly coupled with our gender, race, and social class. Through diversity, we can collectively overcome our individual boundaries and help shape a better future. While Ada had the good fortune to be able to contribute to our world, one can only imagine the immense potential of countless other women of equal talent who, unfortunately, never had the chance to do the same due to gender discrimination and prejudice within patriarchy.
Jessica Herzmansky, Marketing Communications Expert, TTControl
As an employee and a woman in the tech industry, I can’t help but reflect on the immense impact women have had in this field. From pioneering discoveries to groundbreaking innovations, women have been absolutely essential in shaping the world of STEM.

Considering the struggles they faced throughout history – battling against societal norms and institutional barriers or simply being overlooked and underestimated because of their gender – their perseverance and passion for knowledge are all the more impressive and inspiring.
One of my greatest inspirations, Hypatia, clearly shows this resilience. As one of the first known female mathematicians, astronomers, and philosophers, she defied expectations and left an indelible mark on the world.
Today, we benefit from the courage and determination of our female role models. Yet, our journey is far from over. We must continue to challenge stereotypes, dismantle barriers, and create inclusive environments where all voices can be heard and valued.
On this International Women's Day, let's celebrate the past achievements and ongoing contributions of women in science and technology.
Minela Grabovica, Product Owner, TTTech Industrial
Recently, I've been encountering discussions about women who have made significant contributions in art, science, literature, medicine, and more. It got me thinking about visibility — what it means to me and what it means to younger women.
One story that resonated with me is that of Jocelyn Bell Burnell. She discovered pulses that turned out to be rotating neutron stars, later named pulsars. This discovery revolutionized our understanding of the universe and earned her research team the 1974 Nobel Prize in Physics. However, Jocelyn Bell Burnell herself was not included as a recipient of this award. Instead, it was awarded to her supervisor, Antony Hewish, along with Martin Ryle, for their pioneering work in radio astrophysics and their role in the discovery of pulsars.
This is just one of many stories of women whose accomplishments were not recognized and, in some cases, were even stolen. This reality can evoke a range of emotions. I would prefer that we stop for a moment and envision a world where women have had the same rights to education and received their well-deserved recognition for hundreds of years. We would be living in a better world now.
We cannot change the past, but we can shape the future by promoting diversity at all levels and in all fields.
My personal experience with visibility may seem smaller and less prestigious. Once, a younger neighbor told me that I was her role model, which shocked me because I didn't see myself or my qualities in the same way she did. I thanked her and pondered it for a long time afterward, wondering what I could have possibly done for her to think that. Recently, I heard that she graduated in electrical engineering, the same department I studied in, and I sincerely hope she is now thriving.

Visibility matters. Even when it seems simple or unremarkable, it can be a source of inspiration for someone.
That's one of the reasons why I'm writing this post. We all have something to offer, if we step out honestly, with integrity, and with good intentions. I want women and girls to connect, share, look up to one another, appreciate one another, and see one another.
I'm incredibly grateful for all the opportunities I've had at TTTech, and I hope for more in the future.
Christoph Trappl, VP Product & Portfolio Management
In organizations where creativity is required to solve complex tasks, there is no question of combining interdisciplinary knowledge and rich experience. It doesn't matter what gender, origin or anything else a person has. At TTTech, appreciation and respect are at the forefront, which is how we manage to break new ground together.