As onboard computing power increases and the distance from Earth becomes greater, spacecraft will become even more autonomous. This shift has a…
Ariane 6’s inaugural flight came with spectacular images captured by the on-board camera system that provided live images of the stage,…
Welcome to this new edition of the CEO Update about agricultural technology (AgTech), in particular smart farming and precision agriculture, which…
#IMPACT25 Panel: Safety in human space flight – the astronaut’s perspective
We are entering a new era of human space flight. As humanity prepares to…
A new scientific paper coming out of TTTech Labs was accepted for publication at the 30th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and…
To ensure that electric trucks brake correctly, lifting platforms allow personnel to safely clean windows at a height of 40 m and firefighting trucks…
At the beginning of March 2024, TTTech started operating a photovoltaic system on the roof of its headquarters in Vienna's 4th district.…
Renowned computer scientist Professor Hermann Kopetz is one of the co-founders of TTTech and the architect of the Time-Triggered Technology that lent…
Welcome to a new edition of the CEO update. Herbert Hufnagl, General Manager of TTTech Industrial joined TTTech CEO and co-founder Georg Kopetz in…
A new space race is on, and the Moon will be a stepping stone for further exploration into deep space. This time, the focus lies on establishing a…
8 March is International Women’s Day. In line with our anniversary campaign #IMPACT25, we wanted to explore the IMPACT of women on our company, our…
AI may be taking over more and more routine tasks in the future, but we will always need ideas – developed by humans for humans. That’s why the…
In 2023, TTTech celebrated its 25th anniversary. In celebration of this milestone, the company launched a year-long campaign, titled #IMPACT25. The…